


What are Japan’s and Iwate’s good points?

Introducing Japan and Iwate project

After studying abroad, Japanese students often say to me, “People asked me about Japan, but I couldn’t answer their questions,” or “I realized I don’t know enough about my own country.”

I think it’s important to be able to talk about the place you are from. In Japan, sometimes people ask me about famous places in the UK, sports, music, afternoon tea, and various other topics. I enjoy sharing pictures and stories, and explaining British customs to them.

This month, I asked first grade students to make presentations and introduce topics about Iwate and Japan. Students made wonderful presentations about a variety of themes such as food, famous people, festivals, specialties, and beautiful spots. Please enjoy watching a video that shows some of their presentations.



Let’s practice!

A:   What are Iwate’s good points?

B:   I like Iwate’s nature and beautiful scenery.

A:  That sounds wonderful. Where can we see nature and beautiful scenery?

B:   Mount Mitsuishi has very nice autumn leaves. We can see them in September. This is a picture I took.

A:  Wow! The views are breathtaking! By the way, where is Mount Mitsuishi?

B:  It’s in Hachimantai. You can start the hike from Matsukawa hot spring.

A:  I see. Thank you! I hope I can visit one day.

Your turn!

A:  What are Iwate’s/Japan’s good points?

B:  I like ____________________.

A:  That sounds wonderful. Tell me more.

B:  _________________________.

A:  I see. Thank you! I hope I can visit one day.