


Christmas in the UK

What is Christmas like in your country?

During the winter vacation I flew to the UK to spend Christmas with my family. It takes 12 hours to fly from Tokyo to London.

Christmas is a very popular event in the UK. People usually put up their Christmas trees and decorations on December 1st and take them down on the twelfth night, on January 5th. That means we can enjoy Christmas decorations in the UK for one month. Every town is decorated with lights. Here are some lights that I saw in Shrewsbury.

This year, my hometown had a Christmas tree made of yarn. It was made by local people. Behind each window of the Christmas tree you can see a different Christmas scene.

On Christmas Day, people usually eat turkey with cranberry sauce, ham, sausages wrapped in bacon, chestnuts, stuffing and many kinds of vegetables. Some people eat Yorkshire pudding, too. This is a picture of the lunch that I had with my family. It was delicious.

After lunch, it is a tradition in the UK to go for a walk with your family. This year, the weather was nice (it was sunny and about 10 degrees!) I enjoyed going for walks in the countryside. I could see many animals such as sheep, deer, and cows.

What did you do during the winter vacation? I hope you had a relaxing time with your family, too.